Eric Ravenscraft
Eric creates video essays as Lord Ravenscraft on YouTube. He's also a freelance writer with bylines in The Inventory, Wired, The New York Times, and a former Senior Writer for Lifehacker.

not to mention various shortcuts that aren’t spelled out, like the ability to go immediately to the star map by holding down the menu button.” Read more

Comment offering very legitimate career opportunity making $7,000 a month working from home, possibly doing video game blogs. Read more

nah you know what, fuck it, let covid take me, i want to die

Atlanta didn’t make it easy for us, and there’s been a lot of tension between Dragon Con proper and its fans for months now. I’m glad they did the right thing in the end, but this is a pretty strong example for just how screwed local governments are leaving businesses by refusing to take the pandemic seriously. Read more

So I had a whole big thing about this, but the short version is: yes, macros do technically work, but they’re even more fiddly than the rest of G Hub. For example if I wanted to assign a shortcut to a camera orbit command (which needs to just be held down continuously), then I have to record the macro, reveal the key Read more

So I had a whole big thing about this, but the short version is: yes, macros do technically work, but they’re even

Even if that’s true (there’s plenty of evidence that crunch doesn’t actually increase productivity much at all, and developers might be more creative or work better if they’re not forced to work 90 hours a week)....let them. Fans get angry about everything. If the game is good and it makes money (and come on, it will Read more

I had the same reaction to the stealth mission door closing. As I recall, if you keep walking around the corner, the door eventually closes itself, which is interesting since you can’t see it at all after that. But I also was very worried that I was going to fail a mission for it. Especially since, in a later mission, Read more

Here’s the problem though. Even if these investments were made without her knowledge—possible, but still incredibly suspicious—it still doesn’t change the fact that Loeffler knew what was coming wrt to COVID, but said nothing. Read more

Are we counting Wreck it Ralph in this ? as that sort of counts as a VG movie Read more

“[We] really wanted to use Joker to make a movie about the loss of compassion and the lack of decorum in the world.”  Read more

By the way, I’m just gonna throw it out there: I limited this to ten movies. But there’s WAY more. Read more

By the way, I’m just gonna throw it out there: I limited this to ten movies. But there’s WAY more.

“It was a liberal edit. If you want to edit for time, take out the crazy pigeon lady in Central Park,” Watters said. Read more

Do we turn Zarya into a democratic character because Putin doesn’t match up to democratic ideals? Read more

you’re actually expecting blizzard to do in this case is to lose millions of dollar in revenue and fire countless employees just so a dude can show his support for a political movement during their event. Read more

This is the best correction I've ever received. Read more

This is the best correction I've ever received.

Isn’t this literally what the Grinch did? Stole Christmas, then brought it all back and was hailed as a “hero” for having a change of heart over something that was a stupid and pointless decision to begin with? Read more